Kaiserstr. 201
Germanwatch e.V.
53113 Bonn
Laura Schäfer focuses on how to increase the resilience of vulnerable people and communities to the impacts of climate change. She primarily concentrates on financial climate risk management measures, including climate risk insurance solutions, and how to design them for the benefit of most vulnerable people. In her work on the Climate Risk Index she analyses weather-related damage events (storms, floods, heat waves etc.) and their effects on states worldwide. She follows the UNFCCC climate negotiations on Loss & Damage.
- with Germanwatch since 2014
- prior to Germanwatch: project manager for the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) and Research Associate at the United Nations University – Institute for Environmental and Human Security
- Master’s degree in Politics and Sustainability, University of Bremen
- Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and History, Technical University of Darmstadt
Focus of Work:
- Loss & Damage
- climate risk management
- climate risk insurance
- Board member, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII)
- Project lead: „Multi-Actor-Partnerships for Climate- and Disaster Risk Financing in the context of the InsuResilience Initiative“
- Co-author of the Climate Risk Index
- Co-coordinator of the CAN Working Group Adapatation and Loss & Damage