Ahead of the 2019 Climate Action Summit (23 September 2019) hosted by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the network Climate Transparency is calling for concrete climate action from the G20 countries. The Ambition Call directed at Germany calls for progress in three areas:
First, Germany should adopt an effective Climate Change Act together with a package of policy measures.
Second, Germany should implement a CO2 price for transport and buildings.
Third, Germany should introduce mandatory climate-related risks disclosure with a long-term perspective in the financial and the real economy by the end of 2020. In addition to enhanced climate action, this would create co-benefits for sustainable development in Germany, for example by reducing air and water pollution, creating liveable cities and decent work.
The international initiative Climate Transparency consists of 14 research institutes and NGOs from the majority of the G20 countries, many of them from developing countries.