
Germanwatch Pressebereich

Press Releases

Press Release
Germanwatch, Greenpeace and over 54,000 individual claimants filed new constitutional complaint “ZUKUNFTSKLAGE” (ACTION FOR FUTURE)

Along with over 54.000 claimants, Germanwatch and Greenpeace filed a complaint before the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany to demand a climate law that protects fundamental rights and liberties as well as concrete steps to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector.

Press Release
Germanwatch welcomes initiative by France, Poland and Germany for a strong climate foreign policy / Further development now needed for more climate policy coordination between the three countries, including for the implementation of the European Green Deal

The environment and development organization Germanwatch welcomes the agreement reached by the Foreign Ministers of Germany, France and Poland to include trilateral cooperation in climate foreign policy as one of the three pillars of the Weimar Agenda. To this end, they launched the Green Weimar Triangle yesterday. "It is a good decision to give the Weimar Triangle an additional green pillar. Germany, Poland and France are sending an important signal shortly before the European elections: climate protection should be a high priority for the EU and is a central component of security policy in Europe and the world," says Lutz Weischer, Head of Germanwatch's Berlin office.

Press Release
Civil society from Mexico and Germany welcomes the start of the cross-company grievance mechanism / To ensure its effectiveness, the participating CSOs call for the long-term and increased involvement of relevant companies and political institutions and the securing of resources for civil society engagement around it

On the occasion of the launch of the “Mecanismo de Reclamación de Derechos Humanos” (MRDH) in Mexico City, in English known as “cross-company grievance mechanism”, civil society organizations involved draw an overall positive conclusion. After 4.5 years of thorough dialogue between companies, unions, governments, national human rights institutions, and civil society, first in Germany and then with Mexican actors, the mechanism is now open to complaints.

Press Release
For the 19th time in a row, Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute, and CAN International publish the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI). Climate policies stagnated in many countries since last year / Denmark, Estonia and Philippines on top of the CCPI / Oil-producing countries, including COP host United Arab Emirates, rank at the bottom / Brazil and Vietnam among the best climbers – Italy and the UK falling behind / World’s biggest emitters: No change in ranking for China, US still at the bottom

Today, Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute, and CAN International published the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024. It monitors the climate mitigation progress of 63 countries and the European Union, together responsible for more than 90% of global emissions. In recent years, governments around the world have increasingly placed climate action on their agenda, and renewable energy is booming in many countries. However, this still is not enough. The race against time continues: global emissions must nearly halve by 2030, and reducing the use of fossil fuels should account for most of that.

Press Release
New CO2 border adjustment CBAM facilitates ambitious EU climate policy through effective competition protection for companies in the EU / Need for faster introduction and reform on revenue use

Germanwatch welcomes the launch of the pilot phase of the EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) this Sunday as a major milestone in European climate policy. Christoph Bals, Policy Director of Germanwatch, says: "With the introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the EU has achieved a coup: By levelling the international playing field for industrial companies, it enables high carbon prices in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme ETS and thus sends an important signal that it is serious about its industry’s transition to climate-neutrality. The CBAM also creates an incentive for EU's trading partner economies worldwide to speed up their transformation."

Press Release
New scientific study shows that climate lawsuits lead to a significant loss in value for companies with CO2-intensive business models / Researchers show: RWE share fell up to 6 percent due to Saúl Luciano Lliuya's lawsuit at Hamm Higher Regional Court

The environmental and development organisation Germanwatch points out that fossil fuel companies will have to disclose climate risks in their risk reports and have them externally audited. The reason for this is a new study by a team of researchers from the renowned London School of Economics and Political Science, which shows a clear connection between climate litigation and share price losses of affected companies.

Press Release
Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN International published the 18th edition of the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI): Denmark, Sweden, Chile, Morocco and India lead the ranking this year / Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kazakhstan come in last / The US and China perform very low — though the US rises three ranks compared with last year, whilst China drops 13 ranks

The current energy crisis clearly demonstrates how the world remains dependent on fossil fuels. However, there is a number of countries that have a better standing than others. They took ambitious steps in climate mitigation and rapidly developed energy efficiency and renewable energies. Today, Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN International published the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2023, a ranking of the 59 largest emitters worldwide

Press Release
Joint press conference: Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and CAN international

Together with the NewClimate Institute and the Climate Action Network (CAN International), Germanwatch will present the "Climate Change Performance Index 2023" (CCPI) at the COP 27 in Sharm el Sheikh. For the 18th time in a row, the index compares the climate protection performance of the 59 largest CO2 emitters (plus the European Union as a whole).

Press Release
Climate case of a Peruvian farmer and mountain guide against German energy company RWE at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm: judges and experts travelled to Peru / experts examined the danger of a possible flood wave for the plaintiff's house

The climate lawsuit of the Peruvian Andean farmer and mountain guide Saúl Luciano Lliuya against the energy company RWE has entered the decisive phase six and a half years after the lawsuit was filed: After a long delay, especially due to the Corona pandemic, a site visit took place this week in the Andean city of Huaraz. Judges of the Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Hamm (Germany), legal advisors and experts travelled to Peru to examine whether the plaintiff's house is threatened by a possible flood wave from the glacier lake Palcacocha above the city. The entire danger zone in Huaraz actually covers an area where around 50,000 people live.

Press Release
Joint press release by Germanwatch and others: New Law Includes Obligation to Address Abuses in Battery Supply Chains

The European Union’s proposed batteries regulation should require importers and manufacturers to source the bauxite, copper, and iron used in batteries responsibly, a coalition of 16 organizations said today. The coalition includes Amnesty International, Earthworks, Finnwatch, Germanwatch, Human Rights Watch, Inclusive Development International, INKOTA, PowerShift, RAID, SOMO, and Transport & Environment, as well as human rights and environmental activists from producer countries.

Office Bonn

Germanwatch e.V.
Kaiserstr. 201
D-53113 Bonn

Phone +49 (0)228 / 60 492-0
Fax +49 (0)228 / 60 492-19

