News | 05 June 2020

COVID-19 in Peru: What are the consequences for Saúl Luciano Lliuya and his lawsuit?

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, the Higher Regional Court of Hamm had increasingly envisaged the on-site visit in Huaraz in the context of the taking of evidence in this high profile climate lawsuit. Now, unfortunately, it will be further delayed due to the crisis and resulting travel restrictions.

Saúl Luciano Lliuya and his family are well and healthy. They grow fruits and vegetables in their garden and own some animals. This gives them enough to eat and a small income from selling potatoes at the market.

However, because of the total lockdown, travel and economic activity in Peru have become very challenging. The curfew is being controlled very strictly, but for many people, especially in the big cities, it is extremely difficult to comply with distancing rules and hygiene regulations. Especially in the informal sector, the provisions to contain the crisis cannot be implemented properly. Many people in Peru need the direct income from this sector to survive - it accounts for about 70% of the country's economy.

In the Ancash region, where Saúl Luciano lives with his family, the situation is currently getting worse. There are many infected people In Huaraz and Chimbote, so that authorities of the communities, towns and villages have taken control over the access to their territory. Many people in this region make their living from tourism - including Saúl Luciano himself, who works as a mountain guide. One of the consequences of the current situation is that this source of income is disappearing entirely.