Newsletters & Publications - Empowerment for Climate Leadership

Empowerment for Climate Leadership - newsletter

The Empowerment for Climate Leadership shall give opportunities for young participants to learn both – European and Southern perspectives on climate protection, climate policy and sustainable development.

Empowerment for Climate Leadership - Newsletter


Dear all,

We hope that you are all well and keep on applying your ECL-knowledge in your daily lives! It has been half a year since you last met in Germany/ Tanzania for your evaluation seminar. It is more than two years of learning and working together under ECL. It is therefore time that we look back for a long-term evaluation. – Would be very helpful if you can fill out the short online questionnaire until June 10th. Thanks!
In ECL-Newsletter No. 6 we give you an update on interesting news and CAN Tanzania & Germanwatch work.

Best wishes!

Method Sheets from the Empowerment for Climate Leadership Project (ECL)

From April 2017 to November 2018, the “Empowerment for Climate Leadership” project took place. Climate Action Network Tanzania (CAN Tanzania) and Germanwatch invited climate-active Indian, Tanzanian and German youths for exchanges and work on online modules – contextual focus was the empowerment of participants to contribute to their NGOs’ work for progress in the area of SDG implementation. A selection of the intercultural learning methods from the exchange seminars with the aim of a better access to the SDGs and their conveyance is presented here.


We are slowly approaching ECL's finish line. lt is weil over a year since our exchange in Germany. As we heard from you and some of you also involved in applying your ECL-knowledge. Currently CAN Tanzania and Germanwatch are fighting in Katowice for higher ambition in mitigation, more climate finance and the decision about a good rulebook for the Paris Agreement. Good luck to our folks there!

In this newsletter, we want to give you a short summary of our work and the last months of the first (maybe) ECL.


It is World Overshoot Day today. Just a reminder that the western lifestyle model is consuming too much energy and resources or a breaking point towards transformation? For us it is a motivation to continue our work.

Here in Germany we have a heavy summer heat wave now, but we want to send you a small newsletter. Are you still living on all the good experience from the exchange? Our thoughts are still with you and our days in Arusha and Dar Es Salaam. We hope that you all found a good way back into your daily life in the last three weeks. We are busy working with your feedback, protocols and inputs to get forward gradually.

by Kartikeya V. Sarabhai, director of the CEE (Centre for Environment Education) in India and Christoph Bals, policy director of Germanwatch
Kartikeya V. Sarabhai and Christoph Bals - both are members of the international ECL-advisory board - send their messages on the World Environment Day, 5th June 2018, addressing the ECL participants currently being in Arusha/Tanzania for their second exchange.
Blog post by Marie Heitfeld, May 2018
In 2017, Germanwatch e.V. initiated an international online training course and exchange project on Climate Action for 20 young professionals from India, Tanzania and Germany – the “Empowerment for Climate Leadership”-program (ECL). With this program, the Germanwatch team for Education for Sustainable Development offers a new educational format and represents a pilot project under the umbrella of the African-German Youth Initiative (AGYI) of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

In only two weeks we will all meet again in Arusha. We hope you are feeling pleasant anticipation towards our next and final reunion. We also hope that you are full of curiosity about the program we compiled for you with the help of your good ideas, helpful comments and attentive questions. May this newsletter give you some insights on what happened so far in and around our offices and the ECL-project team. Perhaps it also helps you a little bit to shorten the waiting period. Thanks to Sixbert for the excellent preparation meeting at "Alter Zoll" bier garden!


Hope you are doing well! Only a bit more than 50 days to the next exchange meeting! Looking forward seeing you all in Arusha!
We hope you all make headway with the deliverables of the last modules or finished them already. If any problem occurs you can contact us any time and we find a solution together. Feedback for your deliverables from our side will be given in the upcoming weeks as soon as possible.


We are looking forward to the big events coming up in 2018. It will start with a meeting of the German group in April, the UNFCCC SB in May with a meeting of the ECL International Advisory Board and our big second exchange in Tanzania in June.

We are sorry that we are kind of late for our first ECL-News for Module 6. Right now, we thought it would be better to summarize the news for Module 6 and 7. We will keep our news quite short; because we think, you have a lot of good stuff to read right now about the African renewable initiative.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals in a Nutshell

With the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all countries in the world have come up with a comprehensive and ambitious agenda for environmental, social and economic sustainable development in an unprecedented UN-led joint negotiation process. In the weltwärts extracurricular exchange project in the context of the Agenda 2030 "Empowerment for Climate Leadership" by Germanwatch and CAN Tanzania, the participants intensively dealt with the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs and exchanged their South-North perspectives.

Empowerment for Climate Leadership
