Requirements for effective multi-stakeholder initiatives to strengthen corporate due diligence

Recommendations from the perspective of civil society

In order to strengthen corporate responsibility along supply and value chains, so-called multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) are often used nationally and internationally. Most recently, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) announced its intention to step up its efforts to promote EU-wide sectoral dialogues within the framework of Germany’s EU Council Presidency.

News | 08 October 2020

Together for a #WorldWeWant

Against the background of the worsening climate crisis, the Climate Action Network (CAN) has launched the #WorldWeWant campaign. Through a series of short films, people from different regions of the world tell how climate change is affecting their lives and communities. Plaintiff Lüke Recktenwald is also involved with a video about his home island Langeoog.

ExCom Meeting #12

Background brief in preparation for the twelfth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage

The Briefing Paper on the 12th meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage from 12-16th October 2020 is mainly directed at persons interested in the discussions on Loss and Damage within the UNFCCC process.
The meeting will take place in the middle of the Covid-19-crisis that comes across with severe challenges for vulnerable groups but also in regards of keeping up climate diplomacy.

News | 06 October 2020

Plaintiffs of the People's Climate Case urge European Parliament to vote on ambitious climate target


On Tuesday, 6th of October, the European Parliament will vote on the EU Climate Law and set its position on the EU 2030 climate target. In a letter to the Members of the European Parliament the plaintiffs of the People's Climate Case urge them to decide on higher emission cuts by 2030 and to support access to justice for citizens.

A Human Rights-based Approach to Climate and Disaster Risk Financing


Climate and disaster risk financing (CDRF) measures and activities that governments or other actors carry out can affect the enjoyment of human rights. The Paris Agreement therefore recognises that, “Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights […]” (Paris Agreement 2015).