News | 16 June 2016

Handover of artwork by Rachid Assiraij to Christoph Bals in Marrakech, Morocco

Bild: Übergabe Kunstobjekt

At a meeting in Marrakech, the Moroccan artist Rachid Assiraij has handed over his latest contemporary work of art to Christoph Bals, political director of Germanwatch. Assiraij considers it emblematic for the work of Germanwatch. "Germanwatch is dealing intensively with the issue of 'resources and human rights'. For all parts of this work of art I used recycled materials."

Germanwatch is advocating against climate change

Assiraij further elaborates: "The built-in watch signalizes that it's time to act. This piece of art has the shape of a cannon, but opens out to a camera lens. That points out: The weapon of Germanwatch is to observe governments and corporations."

Christoph Bals is excited about the precious present by Assiraij: "We will use this piece of art in our workshops and presentations to point out approaches of our work. It is wonderful when art is able to bring complex issues in our minds and hearts." Rachid Assiraij and Christoph Bals arranged another meeting on the occasion of this year's UN climate summit in Marrakesch. "This present is a stimulus for us to critically observe as well this climate summit", announced Bals.


Piece of art created by Rachid Assiraij

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