

Der Agrarhandel wirkt sich auf Klima, Biodiversität und Menschenrechte aus. Daher ist es unser Ziel, die EU-Handelspolitik am Pariser Klimaabkommens und den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen (SDGs) auszurichten.

Was sind Agrarlieferketten?

Die industrielle Tierhaltung in Europa ist auf den Import von Futtermitteln aus dem Globalen Süden angewiesen. In den dortigen Produktionsländern ist der Anbau von Futtermitteln wie Soja oft mit Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Abholzung in den Produk- tionsländern verbunden.

Unsere Arbeit:

Wir setzen uns für einen gerechten und nachhaltigen Welthandel ein. Dabei fordern wir einen Stopp der Exportorientierung der Landwirtschaft und eine Regulierung globaler Märkte. In unserer Arbeit für entwaldungsfreie Agrarlieferketten arbeiten wir an einem überregionalen Austausch zwischen Akteuren aus den Produktionsländern in der Mercosur-Region (Argentinien, Brasilien, Paraguay und Uruguay) und ihren größten Handelspartnern, China und der EU, über wirksamen Ansätze und Rahmenbedingungen für entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten.

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Gemeinsam können wir einen Wandel für einen gerechten Welthandel und nachhaltige Lieferketten bewirken.


Weitere Informationen zu unserer Arbeit zu entwaldungsfreien Lieferketten finden Sie hier in englischer Sprache oder hier auf Deutsch.


▸Entwicklungen und Trends: Kritischer Agraratlas

Konzernatlas Regionale Märkte stärken (2017)


Aktuelles zum Thema Handelspolitik

Germany’s Ministry for Economic Affairs has announced new climate related sector guidelines for export credit guarantees and investment guarantees that would prevent support for almost all new fossil fuel projects from 1 November onwards. A limited number of gas projects may still receive support if they fulfil national security requirements or prove they can aid short term supply shortages, which is unlikely to be the case. Third countries are concerned about the potential drop in investment; this should be addressed by investing the billions now saved from servicing fossil fuel projects in clean energy instead.
The role of financial institutions in mitigating supply chain impacts – the case of deforestation

In our new policy brief, we analyse along with Climate & Company and Rechtsanwälte Günther why sustainability due diligence obligations for financial institutions are key to achieving the EU's climate goals. As an example for this tool, we draw on due diligence obligations for financial institutions to avoid financing projects that cause deforestation. In addition, the policy brief presents specific recommendations for regulating financial actors through the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

First evaluation of the negotiations outcome by Germanwatch

The EU Commission announced the successful conclusion of negotiations on a regulation for deforestation-free products. Companies will therefore soon have to prove that no forest is cleared for the production of certain agricultural goods and wood products. An important step – but the law also has weaknesses. Germanwatch presents an initial assessment.


The expansion of agricultural land for the production of animal feed or palm oil is the biggest driver of loss and degradation of forests and other natural ecosystems worldwide. The EU’s demand for these so-called forest and ecosystem risk commodities plays a significant part in global deforestation linked to international trade.

The EU Commission has recently presented a proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. The aim of this Directive is to integrate international standards into European law and prevent negative consequences of global business activities. Can the law contribute to ending deforestation in transnational supply chains?
Press Release
Europe's demand for soy and meat contributes significantly to deforestation and the destruction of important ecosystems in Latin America - proposed EU legislation does not have sufficient impact
The legislative proposal presented today by the EU Commission to exclude deforestation in the supply chains of companies operating in the EU market does not go far enough, according to the environment and development organisation Germanwatch. Katharina Brandt, policy advisor for agriculture at Germanwatch, says: "If we want to curb the climate crisis and stop the global extinction of species, savannahs and wetlands must not fall victim to the cultivation of soy for industrial livestock farming in Europe."