ExCom Meeting #17

ExCom meeting #17
Report on the seventeenth meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage

This report on the 17th meeting of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage (WIM) in September 2022 is mainly directed at persons interested in the discussions on Loss and Damage within the UNFCCC process.

The meeting took place ahead of COP27, where countries then agreed to establish new financing arrangements and a fund for Loss and Damage. These are to be targeted at countries in the Global South that are particularly vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change.

At the 17th meeting of the ExCom, among other things, the 5-year rolling work plan was adopted, reflections on the working methods of the ExCom were debated and the cooperation with the Subsidiary Body for Implementation in the context of the Glasgow Dialogue was discussed.

This report focuses on the ExCom's discussions at the Glasgow Dialogue. The discussions are particularly interesting in the context of the decision at COP27:

It was decided that the next Glasgow Dialogue will include a focus

  • on the operationalization of the new financing arrangements and the Fund and
  • on maximizing the support for the existing financing arrangements.

To get an idea about the next round of the Glasgow Dialogue, it is therefore vital to look at the previous work and contributions of the ExCom to the Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage Finance.

Vera Künzel and Lisa Schultheiß
Document type
Briefing Paper


Policy Advisor – Climate Risk Management and Loss & Damage

Real name

Senior Advisor – Climate Change Adaptation and Human Rights