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As countries transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies, finance flows will need to shift to support these transitions, in line with the third long-term goal of the Paris Agreement, Article 2.1c. South Africa was the first country to sign a Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). In this context, South Africa developed a Just Energy Transition Investment Plan (JET IP) laying out a series of policies and regulations the country would implement to achieve its just energy transition. This paper offers an analysis of these policies and regulations, using existing Article 2.1c approaches.

Implications of the 2023 Africa Climate Summit

The first Africa Climate Summit in September 2023 marked a milestone in global climate politics. African countries made clear that they want to actively shape the global climate debate to seize the opportunities of the green transformation and shake the perception of being mere victims of the climate crisis. In this briefing, we highlight the three main topics of the Summit – finance, renewable energy, and resilience – and offer recommendations for German climate foreign policy with regard to African countries in 2024 as the German government is revising its Africa Policy Guidelines.


Published annually since 2005, the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) is an independent monitoring tool for tracking the climate protection performance of 63 countries and the EU. It aims to enhance transparency in international climate politics and enables comparison of climate protection efforts and progress made by individual countries.

Expectations for COP28 Outcomes in Dubai

We take a look at the geopolitical situation providing the frame for the UN climate talks COP28 in Dubai and identify the most important topics for the negotiations. We also outline what we expect COP28 to deliver, in terms of decisions that mitigate climate change, build resilience and provide finance for the people who need it.


Slow-onset processes like sea level rise or desertification substantially impact people’s lives, but is still often neglected in the climate change context. Three studies conducted by Germanwatch and ENDA in 2021 have responded to these challenges. This fact sheet summarises key findings of the studies, based on recent policy developments and scientific findings. We have included key facts and figures to answer important questions, such as: What are slow-onset processes? What losses and damages do slow-onset processes cause? What approaches and measures are there to address loss and damage due to slow-onset processes?

Report on the 19th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage
The ExCom #19 took place in anticipation of the fourth meeting of the Transitional Committee, a body providing recommendations for the Loss and Damage Fund established at COP27. This report focuses on the collaboration of ExCom and the Adaption Fund, as insights from existing funds are crucial for the design of the Loss and Damage Fund.
The need for comprehensive environmental due diligence in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

In this brief, BUND and Germanwatch examine cases of environmental degradation in value chains of European companies, for example impacts of land use, pesticides, or gas and oil operations. We also provide analyses of how proposals for the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive cover these impacts and highlight the pivotal role of the European Parliament in this matter.


India’s transition towards a low-carbon economy is central to achieving global climate goals. How can international cooperation support Indian efforts? In our policy brief, we argue that “True Partnerships” between India and the Global North should put the poeple, equity, and climate action at the core of cooperation, to achieve a transition that is green and just.

While green hydrogen will play a vital role in decarbonising our economy, it is not the primary solution for emissions reduction. Instead, energy efficiency and savings, renewable electricity expansion, and direct electrification are the top three approaches for reducing emissions. However, green hydrogen becomes essential in certain applications such as steelmaking and other industrial processes, as well as for long-distance aviation and shipping, and it can be beneficial in seasonal energy storage. This policy brief spells out principles that should guide the development of a regulatory framework to advance a green hydrogen economy in Europe.
Complementarity and coherence in the context of international climate finance architecture reform

The international climate finance architecture is a complex landscape in which multilateral development banks (MDBs) play a prominent role. In addition to bilateral climate finance flows, donor countries provide international climate finance directly to MDBs, as well as to multilateral climate funds such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Adaptation Fund (AF) and Climate Investment Funds (CIF), which MDBs also tap into for project finance.