Deutschland verbraucht überdurchschnittlich viele Ressourcen. Unsere Ressourcennutzung führt an anderen Orten oft zu Knappheiten, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und gewalttätigen Konflikten. Germanwatch setzt sich deshalb für einen gerechten Zugang zu Ressourcen, Ressourcenschonung und Menschenrechte ein.

Infos "Ressourcenpolitik"

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HINSEHEN und ANALYSIEREN: Würden alle Menschen so viele Ressourcen verbrauchen wie wir in Deutschland, dann bräuchte die Weltbevölkerung drei Planeten. Massenkonsum und Wegwerfmentalität sowie die Missachtung von Gesetzen zum Schutz von Umwelt und Menschenrechten führen beim Abbau von Rohstoffen in anderen Ländern der Welt zu Umweltverschmutzung, Menschenrechtsverletzungen und gewaltvollen Konflikten.

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EINMISCHEN: Deutschland muss seinen Rohstoffkonsum senken und sich dafür einsetzen, dass der Rohstoffabbau weltweit nachhaltiger und menschenrechtskonform ausgestaltet wird. Germanwatch begleitet die Umsetzung der EU-Konfliktrohstoffverordnung und engagiert sich für politische Rahmensetzungen, die zu nachhaltigeren und reparaturfreundlicheren Produkten führt sowie eine lange Nutzung von Produkten inklusive Reparatur ermöglicht. Wir arbeiten im Koordinierungskreis des Arbeitskreises Rohstoffe mit und haben das Netzwerk Runder Tisch Reparatur mitgegründet.

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Aktuelles zum Thema

Due diligence in downstream value chains

This case study of the Andina copper mine in Chile shows how European mining equipment manufacturers maintain close business relationships with the mine, despite the mining activities damaging the surrounding glaciers, massively increasing the water scarcity in the region and local protests against the expansion of the mine. We provide an example of how downstream due diligence obligations of European companies could have been exercised in this case. This is particularly relevant in this sector, where the business relationships between mining equipment manufacturers and their customers involve significant human rights and environmental risks.

What are the lessons learned so far for the upcoming review and new legislative proposals?
In September 2021, a three-day online workshop brought together more than fifty representatives of Colombian, Congolese and European civil society organisations to discuss the European Regulation on Responsible Sourcing implementation. This workshop was followed by a public online conference where civil societies addressed their concerns to EU representatives and presented their recommendations. This document aims to summarise the main recommendations.

Voluntary standards and other industry initiatives for the extraction of raw materials have established themselves increasingly in recent years as an instrument with which companies can implement their due diligence obligations. Yet, the existing standards are marked by a series of systematic, content-related and methodological shortcomings. This paper provides a first assessment of the methodological robustness of the various standards in the raw materials sector.

On 23 February 2022, the EU Commission published its long-awaited proposal for an EU supply chain law. The European Parliament and the EU Council – including a number of German government representatives – are now discussing the draft law. Together with more than 220 civil society organisations from Europe and the rest of the world, Germanwatch clarified which changes the Commission's proposal needs from the perspective of civil society.
Press Release
Joint press release by Germanwatch and others: New Law Includes Obligation to Address Abuses in Battery Supply Chains

The European Union’s proposed batteries regulation should require importers and manufacturers to source the bauxite, copper, and iron used in batteries responsibly, a coalition of 16 organizations said today. The coalition includes Amnesty International, Earthworks, Finnwatch, Germanwatch, Human Rights Watch, Inclusive Development International, INKOTA, PowerShift, RAID, SOMO, and Transport & Environment, as well as human rights and environmental activists from producer countries.


The European Union is in the process of redefining the ecodesign criteria for products in several legislative proposals. Together with 37 European organisations and companies, Germanwatch publishes an open letter calling on legislators in the EU to make use of the historic chance by introducing the universal right to install any software on any device, including full access to hardware.


In the context of several European legislative processes on supply chains this study emphasizes the importance of binding legislation for companies to comply with environmental aspects in addition to human rights along their supply chains.

The energy transition requires a restructuring of the energy system and, as a result of decentralisation, also increasing digitalisation to integrate all actors and make them more flexible. However, digitalisation can be shaped and should happen under ecological and social premises. In this paper we present the challenges and evince possible solutions.

In the last year, the German government held intense and controversial discussions on the introduction and design of national due diligence regulation. However, environmental aspects of corporate due diligence were given little attention. By contrast, the debate at European level is already much more progressive. On January 27, the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament explicitly recommended the inclusion of independent environmental due diligence requirements in a future European due diligence legislation. 


To this date, environmental due diligence has hardly been integrated into legislations and it is not yet as concrete as UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are in regard to human rights concerning responsibilities of corporations. Human rights due diligence captures environmental destruction when it is directly linked to human rights violation like a toxic spillage, which directly causes death or health issues.


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Referentin für Ressourcenpolitik und zirkuläres Wirtschaften

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Referentin für Ressourcenpolitik und Rohstofflieferketten



AK Rohstoffe: Der Arbeitskreis Rohstoffe ist ein Netzwerk deutscher Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die sich für Menschenrechte, soziale Standards und Umweltschutz im Rohstoffsektor einsetzen.
>> Blog des AK Rohstoffe

Runder Tisch Reparatur: 2015 wurde in Berlin ein -Runder Tisch Reparatur- gegründet, der sich das Ziel gesetzt hat, die Reparatur zu stärken. Mit dabei waren Vertreter von Umweltverbänden, Verbraucherschützer, Vertreter der reparierenden Wirtschaft, herstellenden Industrie, Wissenschaft und Reparaturinitiativen.