International Climate Policy in Times of Geopolitical Challenge

Expectations of COP27

Cover page

This background paper provides an overview of the most important negotiation topics of COP27, which will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6 to 18 November. There is no doubt that the impact of Russia's war against Ukraine will be the dominant topic of this year's global climate conference. At the same time, participants should be aware that the impacts of climate change have no regard for the geopolitical situation.

In this tense geopolitical context, COP27 has four critical tasks:

  1. It should demonstrate that multilateral agreements on climate remain possible and thus resilient to global crises.
  2. It should reassert that countries must account for the implementation of their commitments.
  3. It should send clear signals that the phase-out of fossil fuels will happen and the global energy transition will accelerate, despite and in fact because of the global energy crisis.
  4. It should emphasise that the international community will not leave the most vulnerable countries and people behind in the context of a drastically worsening climate crisis and its consequences.

In 25 pages, this paper discusses the geopolitical landscape surrounding COP27 in Egypt, addresses the main sticking points and most important topics for negotiation, and presents important initiatives in the context of COP27.

Publication data

David Ryfisch, Christoph Bals, Rixa Schwarz, Lutz Weischer, Bertha Argueta, Marlene Becker, Julia Grimm, Vera Künzel, Kerstin Opfer, Stefan Rostock, Manfred Treber, Lisa Schultheiß, Thea Uhlich