The end of fossil-fueled mobility - Is Europe ready for future mobility?
RAC France
Allianz pro Schiene
RAC France
Allianz pro Schiene
online (via Zoom)
Mobility Concepts in the Weimar Triangle Countries
The online debate brings together policy makers, business, think tanks and civil society representatives from France, Poland and Germany to exchange, discuss about challenges and share their expectations towards new mobility concepts in EU and their countries. It provides a space for creating collaborative links between the representatives from three sectors: e-mobility, urban mobility and rail and aims at long-term cooperation in the field of sustainable mobility in the form of the Green Weimar Triangle.
Click here to register.
The event is funded by Stiftung Mercator. Responsibility for the contents rests with Germanwatch.
Echter Name
Referent klimaneutrale Mobilität, Koordinator Verkehr
Echter Name
Referentin für EU-Klimapolitik und polnisch-deutsche Klimazusammenarbeit