
We are facing two major climate challenges. First, to avoid the unmanageable impacts of climate change, through climate action. Secondly, to cope with unavoidable impacts of climate change, through adaptation. Germanwatch is working on equitable and efficient solutions to both.



Transitioning to and establishing electricity systems based on 100% renewable energy sources is a crucial step towards limiting global emissions. Co-authored with the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance, our fact sheet provides an overview of the components needed to build such a system.

Learning from the Funding Mosaic

The 27th UN Climate Conference (COP27) concluded with the groundbreaking agreement to establish a new loss and damage (L&D) fund. This significant development aims to enable vulnerable countries to respond to and recover from climate impacts. The report emphasises that the design and operation of the L&D fund will be significantly influenced by its intended scope. With diverse opinions among stakeholders on the fund's optimal design, the selection process for these recommendations is of paramount importance.


In March 2023 the IDB Group published its “Paris Alignment Implementation Approach: Principles, Methodology, and Technical Guidance” (PAIA). The document is based on the joint MDB framework and lays out how the IDB plans to adapt the framework to its own institutional procedures. This blog post provides an overview on what are promising, concerning and unclear elements in the IDB Group’s general Paris alignment methodology.


The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) in South Africa marks a significant milestone and serves as a blueprint for future initiatives in other developing countries. The USD 8.5 billion partnership programme is designed not only to help decarbonise South Africa's energy sector to mitigate climate change, but also to catalyse inclusive sustainable development. This background paper by IRID and Germanwatch provides an overview of the partnership process to date, including a general overview, its framework, and guiding principles.


This background paper by IESR and Germanwatch examines the climate financing landscape in Germany and Indonesia, focusing on climate mitigation in the energy sector. For Germany, this paper provides a comprehensive summary of its climate financing flows, structure, and global trends. With respect to Indonesia, it examines its climate mitigation targets and achievements, energy transition financing trends, and potential avenues for international climate finance support.


The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is designed to ensure that European industrial companies remain competitive despite rising carbon prices. The CBAM thus enables ambitious European climate policy. However, it only covers imports into the EU: The question of whether and how the EU should take action to secure the competitiveness of exporting companies is still unresolved. This study offers answers to precisely this question.

Briefing series on the reform of the international financial architecture #2

The current international scenario is characterised by a complex web of global crises. This situation is having a particularly negative impact on the countries of the Global South, which are facing considerable financial constraints that are hindering the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. In this context, the French Government is organising the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact on 22-23 June 2023, which aims to forge a new pact between Global North and Global South countries.

Press Release
New scientific study shows that climate lawsuits lead to a significant loss in value for companies with CO2-intensive business models / Researchers show: RWE share fell up to 6 percent due to Saúl Luciano Lliuya's lawsuit at Hamm Higher Regional Court

The environmental and development organisation Germanwatch points out that fossil fuel companies will have to disclose climate risks in their risk reports and have them externally audited. The reason for this is a new study by a team of researchers from the renowned London School of Economics and Political Science, which shows a clear connection between climate litigation and share price losses of affected companies.

Based on the Intergroup Dialogue Series on Just Energy Transition

In a series of dialogues with Indonesian civil society organisations (CSOs), Germanwatch and the Habibie Center explored how to integrate social justice aspects into the energy transition debate in Indonesia. This policy brief provides the context for how Indonesian CSOs view the JETP and how they relate to other key socio-economic issues.


There are several metrics and possibilities to measure the performance of climate policies and actions, which differ in methodology and indicator choice.
Our Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) measures the climate performance of 59 countries (and the EU) that are collectively responsible for over 90% of global emissions. All major economies and many emerging economies are included.
The CCPI is based on criteria including the country’s emissions levels, energy use, and use of renewable energy, as well as its climate policies (find more about our methodology here). Other indexes place their focus in different areas and this post will examine those, as well, giving credit where due, because all the indexes serve an important role.
This post examines the importance of scientific climate performance indexes, and how you can understand them.


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Head of Division – German and European Climate Policy

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Senior Advisor – Climate and Development – India