Titelbild: Deutsche und EU-Klimapolitik

Deutschland und die EU leisten derzeit weder ihren Klimaschutz-Beitrag, der einen gefährlichen Klimawandel abwenden hilft, noch kooperieren sie ausreichend mit anderen Ländern zu Klimaschutz und -anpassung. Germanwatch fordert Handeln auf nationaler und auf EU-Ebene ein und unterstützt dies aktiv.

Aktuelles zum Thema

The global energy transition is unattainable without China. Therefore, Robert Habeck should emphasise climate policy relations during his visit to Beijing. Here are six proposals for pragmatic co-operation between Germany and China to benefit climate action.
Climate issues remain a key demand for Europeans, despite a shift to more right wing parties

It has been frequently noted in the aftermath of the European elections that climate policy issues were less on the election agenda than in 2019. That may be true. But it is also true that a broad electoral majority is in favour of appropriate political responses to the climate crisis: support for more effective measures is polling high in many EU countries and among supporters of almost all (relevant) German parties. This is shown in several EU-wide and national surveys, as well as our own Germanwatch survey, commissioned together with DNR and WWF.

Open letter to EU Heads of State

Alle fünf Jahre kommen die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäischen Union (EU) zusammen und legen die politischen Prioritäten für die nächste Legislatur in der Strategische Agenda fest. Ein Monat vor Annahme der Agenda 2024–2029 wendet sich ein breites Bündnis von zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren, Unternehmen und Organisationen an die Staats- und Regierungschefs. Sie fordern in einem offenen Brief eine Strategische Agenda für eine klimaneutrale, grüne, faire und soziale EU.

Press Release
Germanwatch welcomes initiative by France, Poland and Germany for a strong climate foreign policy / Further development now needed for more climate policy coordination between the three countries, including for the implementation of the European Green Deal

The environment and development organization Germanwatch welcomes the agreement reached by the Foreign Ministers of Germany, France and Poland to include trilateral cooperation in climate foreign policy as one of the three pillars of the Weimar Agenda. To this end, they launched the Green Weimar Triangle yesterday. "It is a good decision to give the Weimar Triangle an additional green pillar. Germany, Poland and France are sending an important signal shortly before the European elections: climate protection should be a high priority for the EU and is a central component of security policy in Europe and the world," says Lutz Weischer, Head of Germanwatch's Berlin office.


After the EU election in June 2024, the new Commission will hold the power to demonstrate global climate leadership and reshape its partnership offer. Given the strong historical ties and growing economic relations between Africa and Europe, partnerships with the African continent must remain a focus of the EU. Our policy brief provides five recommendations for reshaping the EU’s partnership offer on energy co-operation.


In the run-up to the European elections, a broad alliance of 14 industry associations, companies, and civil society organisations has issued a joint declaration to politicians making clear that the EU's climate targets can only be achieved with a significantly increased commitment to rail transport.

A Round-Table with Civil Society Organisations from Latin America

The German government has recently launched its Climate Foreign Policy Strategy. In this context, several questions arise from the Latin American perspective. Our policy brief reflects the results of a round-table with Civil Society Organisations from Latin America.


The current geopolitical context is pushing the Weimar Triangle of France, Germany, and Poland to prioritise defence and security. NGOs, think tanks, and businesses argue that a ‘Green Weimar Triangle’ could not only safeguard achieving the EU climate goals but also address critical issues of economic competitiveness and cohesion.

Open letter to the French, German and Polish Ministers of Climate and Environment and Ministers Foreign Affairs

The EU’s ability to enact ambitious climate policies relies on effective leadership and demonstrated commitment from influential Member States. Representatives from leading think tanks, environmental NGOs, businesses, and scientific institutions in France, Germany, and Poland, are calling for the establishment of a 'Green Weimar Triangle' to renew trilateral climate dialogue among the three countries.

A fossil fuel phase-out by 2040 would increase peace and democracy while ensuring achieve-ment of the Paris targets
On 6 February, the European Commission will propose climate targets for 2040. The current Commission can thereby frame the climate policy of the upcoming years ahead of the EU elections in June. The 2040 targets will be a guiding light for the new Commission and shape the EU's worldwide perception. In this policy brief, Germanwatch is therefore calling for 'An Ambitious EU Climate Target for 2040'.