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Joint Blog Series of Vasudha Foundation and Germanwatch discussing the design of Green & Resilient Recovery in India through renewable energy development and systemic resilience building.

Against the background of the social, economic and political COVID-19 effects on India, all business-as-usual scenarios for economic development and emission trends of Indian and resilient society building are outdated. There is both the possibility of an accelerated structural change to renewable energy, away from fossil fuels and combustion engines and the danger of a massive rebound effect for the emissions path. The same width of possibilities exists between society-wide resilience building and intensified inequality.
The question of what India's recovery strategy - and international support - will look like will create central path dependencies. Especially now, in the new challenge of the Corona crisis, India needs reliable and strong partners such as Germany and the EU to enter into more sustainable pathway through the recovery packages. Strategies for green and resilient recovery and NDC implementation and increase go hand in hand.

Joint blogs of Vasudha Foundation and Germanwatch on the design of Green & Resilient Recovery in India through renewable energy development and systemic resilience building.

As of 2019, in addition to ensuring food security, agriculture has contributed 15.9% to the Indian GDP and employed 42.3% of its population. Despite its high reliance on monsoons, agriculture continues to be the largest provider of livelihoods in rural India. India is among the top three producers of wheat, pulses, cotton, rice, fruits, vegetables and peanuts in the world. This translates to about USD 38.5 billion worth of agricultural and processed foods export to over 200 countries – making up for 12.6% of Indian exports.

Joint blog of Vasudha Foundation and Germanwatch on the design of Green & Resilient Recovery in India through renewable energy development and systemic resilience building.

Against the background of the social, economic and political COVID-19 effects on India, all business-as-usual scenarios for economic development and emission trends of Indian and resilient society building are outdated. There is both the possibility of an accelerated structural change to renewable energy, away from fossil fuels and combustion engines and the danger of a massive rebound effect for the emissions path. The same width of possibilities exists between society-wide resilience building and intensified inequality.

Joint blog of Vasudha Foundation and Germanwatch on the design of Green & Resilient Recovery in India through renewable energy development and systemic resilience building.

Against the background of the social, economic and political COVID-19 effects on India, all business-as-usual scenarios for economic development and emission trends of Indian and resilient society building are outdated. There is both the possibility of an accelerated structural change to renewable energy, away from fossil fuels and combustion engines and the danger of a massive rebound effect for the emissions path. The same width of possibilities exists between society-wide resilience building and intensified inequality.

Joint blog of Vasudha Foundation and Germanwatch on the design of Green & Resilient Recovery in India through renewable energy development and systemic resilience building.

Against the background of the social, economic and political COVID-19 effects on India, all business-as-usual scenarios for economic development and emission trends of Indian and resilient society building are outdated. There is both the possibility of an accelerated structural change to renewable energy, away from fossil fuels and combustion engines and the danger of a massive rebound effect for the emissions path. The same width of possibilities exists between society-wide resilience building and intensified inequality.

Joint blogs of Vasudha Foundation and Germanwatch on the design of Green & Resilient Recovery in India through renewable energy development and systemic resilience building.
Against the background of the social, economic and political COVID-19 effects on India, all business-as-usual scenarios for economic development and emission trends of Indian and resilient society building are outdated. There is both the possibility of an accelerated structural change to renewable energy, away from fossil fuels and combustion engines and the danger of a massive rebound effect for the emissions path. The same width of possibilities exists between society-wide resilience building and intensified inequality.
Am 24. November 2015 zog Saúl Luciano Lliuya aus der peruanischen Andenstadt Huaraz für den Schutz seines Lebensraumes vor ein deutsches Gericht. Er reichte seine Klage ein, um einen der größten Emittenten für die Folgen seiner klimaschädlichen Wirtschaftsweise haftbar zu machen. Mit dem Fall Huaraz wurde juristisches Neuland betreten. Inzwischen ist es eine weltweit wahrgenommene Musterklage, die es in die Beweisaufnahme geschafft hat und eine Signalwirkung wie keine andere Klage entfaltet.

Der Konflikt zwischen den USA und China um die Führungsrolle in der kommenden Weltordnung spitzt sich zu. Anstatt sich in die bipolare Logik eines neuen Kalten Krieges hineinziehen zu lassen, sollte die EU ein eigenständiges Verhältnis zu China entwickeln. Die Zusammenarbeit im Klimaschutz kann dabei eine zentrale strategische Rolle spielen. Daher gehört sie ganz oben auf die Agenda der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft in der zweiten Hälfte dieses Jahres.

Wenn die Regierungschefs der EU und der Westbalkan-Staaten sich heute zu einem virtuellen EU-Westbalkan-Gipfel treffen, wird es vor allem um die Antwort auf die Corona-Krise und die EU-Beitrittsperpektiven für die Länder der Region gehen. Ein Thema sollte aber darüber nicht vergessen werden: die Entwicklung des Energiesektors im westlichen Balkans. Mit Energiewende-Partnerschaften könnten beide Seiten viel gewinnen, gerade um nach der Corona-Krise Zukunftsperspektiven für die Wirtschaft zu schaffen.
Die doppelte Krise: Wie Klimawandelfolgen in Ländern des Globalen Südens den Umgang mit dem Corona-Virus erschweren
Die ärmsten Bevölkerungsgruppen im Globalen Süden kämpfen gegen die noch unabsehbaren Folgen des Corona-Virus zeitgleich zu den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Sie müssen dringend im Aufbau von Resilienz gegenüber Gesundheits- und Klimakrisen und im Umgang mit unvermeidbaren Klimafolgen unterstützt werden.
